Outdoor recreation and relational mentoring to connect with each other and the Creator

Staff & Volunteers

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At Sagitawa we are committed to caring for people and connecting them with Christ. Through relationships and programs that both challenge and encourage, we pursue personal growth and a deeper connection with our Creator.

Staff & Volunteers

The Importance of Each Person on Our Team

The work here is effective in changing lives. There are many stories around the world of people who have been affected by the work at Camp Sagitawa. We all like to know that we are making a difference in lives. Remember that every deed accomplished helps to full the purpose of camp ministry. We do not need a special calling to serve, we just need to serve – and at Sagitawa there are so many opportunities to get involved.

One of Sagitawa’s unique qualities is our high retention of summer staff. We love our staff and we build into their lives through mentoring, accountability and discipleship. We are committed to these friendships and in opportunities to serve together.

Another unique quality is our unity with evangelical denominations. We choose to set aside differences for the sake of the gospel message.

Applications now being accepted for Summer 2024!

More info
More info about being on Summer Staff


Paid Positions
We have several seasonal jobs that are part of our regular budget. These include: Head Cook, two Assistant Cooks, Maintenance Manager and Receptionist.


Staff Sponsorship
This program provides 2-3 jobs for students. It helps to strectch the Bursary. Talk to our Camp Director.

Bursary Program
Our Bursaries have been a big help to students over the years. If you are attending school this fall, please check it out.

Expense Relief
Expense Relief is a way to potentially assist non-students with certain expenses when they take a temporary leave from work to serve at camp for the summer.


We are currently transitioning our website and online application form. Please contact sagitawa.program@xplornet.com for an application. (Using the application linked at the bottom of this page will lose your info in the cyberworld. We would miss the chance to know you.) When applying, please understand that applications sent in prior to May are processed much faster than those that arrive later.

Also paid positions are normally job specific in the areas of training required. As such we will want paid cooks to have their Food Safe 1, and to have experience in leading teams in the kitchen. It would be wise to send in a resume for the area to which you are applying. Also, due to the sensitive nature of working with children and youth, all staff will need to sign off on several areas of training before being permitted to serve at Sagitawa.

After your application is submitted, you will receive an email indicating it was received by Camp. Included in that letter is the criminal record check information and a request that you get started ASAP. Remember that any staff arriving at camp without having done a Criminal Record Check will not be able to work with kids and youth until we have the results of a recent record check. During the next while we will read the application, record questions, and contact references. First time applicants will be called for a phone interview. Once a decision is made, the applicant is informed. The process can take as little as a few days, or as much as a couple months, depending on how quickly we are able to contact references.

Camps all across BC are dealing with the same issues. A common round table discussion is how to respond to the narrow gap that exists between two sets balances.

The first balance exists between the camp and the provincial authorities which involves the public trust. On one hand is the ever growing need for well trained staff and our inability to afford paying all staff for regular or overtime hours. On the other hand the evolving labour laws and societal expectations demand that we protect our volunteers and paid staff from being forced to work long hours with no breaks. Yet these authorities also understand the complexity of needing staff to supervise 24 hours a day. Camp Sagitawa follows the requirements by ensuring that each staff has 1.5 days off per week, 1.25 hours per day of personal time, and parts of their day with a casual lighter duties such as playing a field game or eating a meal with the campers. If we would pay the staff to work only 8 hours a day, then we would need a whole other team to supervise, to take the light duties, and to supervise the cabins at night. The teaching team would be required to accomplish their regular work in the 8 hours. For the average employee on the job site, it is the workload over the 8 hour shift that is tiring. For the average program staff member, the tiring part of the day is the constant schedule with little breathing room from campers.

A second balance exists between our staff and the camp. Schools often give credit for community service or work experience. The dedicated staff wants camp to reference the same number of hours that they feel is fair. They are unaware of the adjustments to work given by camp in order to be fair regarding their work load. But if camp gives them 14 hours a day, then it gives the impression that we are not being fair to staff, and that we are not making any considerations regarding work loads. The normal night at camp is 10 hours, which gives 14 hours per day. Light duties would amount to the nights, plus 3 hours for meals, plus at least one 1.25 hr block (often during WACT). Then there is the 1.25 hr block of free time. Total 14 – 4.25 – 1.25 = 8.5 hours. This is why camp has traditionally given a 40 hour work week for school credit.

Why can’t I claim them all as bonus hours?
When an administrator reads that you were at camp for 1 week, and earned over 90 hours of work experience, they quickly do the math. It doesn’t matter how you cut it, they rationalize that the hours includes lots of play time. It is similar as to when an employer considers a resume that tells them the candidate has 100 tickets for various types of work, they rationalize that the applicant is over-rating themselves. You may have done very well at camp, but you do not want to come across to your teacher or employer as one who over-rates themselves.
It also affects others who hear this by making them second guess volunteering. It affects camp by making it more difficult to find staff (which increases the load for others), and by making it look as though we don’t give breaks to our staff.

Leadership Training
This 5-week training camp begins about May 1 and is followed by 3 weeks of helping to prepare staff. Leadership Training is strongly encouraged as it helps create a strong team with unity of purpose. We cover a variety of topics, and are continually adapting the sessions to fit our current world. Our desire in discipling leaders is that they engage and be challenged.

Staff Training
Our 3-week staff training begins the first Thursday of June and is strongly encouraged. Anyone unable to take this training will have to co-lead the first week. Excellent training is the root of excellent camping experiences.

Summer Camp
Summer Camp begins immediately after Training Camps and continues to the end of the third week of August. To run full programs, we need about a core portion of the team to stay until about the end of the third week, and a few who are able to stay to the end of the 4th week.

E-mail office@camp-sagitawa-847016.ingress-daribow.ewp.live for an application! (We are currently transitioning our website and online forms. Filling any out on here will result in us never knowing you filled out any application and missing out on getting to know you!)

SEED & Work Crew

What is the SEED Program?
Our SEED Program reflects a unique and exciting discipleship program. The letters are an acronym for Servants, Encouraged, Equipped, Discipled. Successful applicants will be involved in an intense program which includes Bible Study, hard work, character building, skill development and ministry experience. Our SEEDs make new lasting friendships and share team experiences. Priority is given to applicants who are able to commit to 6-8 weeks.


  • To seek biblical truth and endeavor to apply it to your whole life.
  • To exemplify a Christ-like attitude of service to staff and campers.
  • To support, in good spirit, the traditions and regulations of the camp.
  • To welcome instruction and seek to benefit from it.
  • To be willing to perform ordinary tasks conscientiously and cheerfully.
  • SEEDs apply their learning practically by being involved in the whole camp program. They supervise campers, help teach skills and lead games, activities and chapels. They also help with cleaning, and fill in many gaps to help make the program run smoothly and enabling the cabin leader staff to mentor campers more effectively.

Applicants must be at least 16 years old sometime during the year that they apply. We seek applicants who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who enjoy kids. SEED participants may apply for more than one year. Apply early to avoid disappointment. We no longer charge to recover costs for food, accommodations, training staff, and materials.

We run two 4-week programs each summer. Applicants should consider applying for weeks 1-4 or from week 5 to 8. (The 8th week includes the First Nations Youth Camp.) Applications for a set of 4 weeks or for both sets are more likely to be accepted than those applying only for a week or two.

Please remember that the SEED program is first and foremost about discipleship. We discourage applications bent on coming simply for fun.

Junior SEED
A Junior SEED is really very similar to a SEED, with the following differences:

  • Can begin in the year they turn 15
  • Normal maximum length is 3 weeks, and each week is probationary, based on previous performance
  • Will not be able to function as an assistant to a cabin leader

Training Weekends
We invite SEEDs and Junior SEEDs to attend one or both training weekends.The purpose of these weekends is to allow applicants to get to know each other, and to become familiar with camp. It is helpful for applicants to attend at least one training weekend prior to the summer. You are welcome to attend both as well.

Join us this Summer
SEEDs come with enthusiasm, energy, and so much potential. It is exciting to get to know them and see them grow. Previous participants say that they still think about their experience even many years later.

What is the Work Crew Program?
The Work Crew Program is similar to the SEED Program. The difference is that Work Crew members focus more on camp service projects and less on ministry, while SEED focus more on ministry than on camp service projects. Also, note that Work Crew is an overflow of the SEED Program. We do not operate Work Crew every summer. Work Crew applicants work alongside the Work Crew Leaders.

We are currently transitioning our website and online forms. Please contact office@camp-sagitawa-847016.ingress-daribow.ewp.live for an application!

Volunteer for Projects

There are so many opportunities to volunteer, and so many who come and help us in one way or another. We appreciate all.

Some projects cannot be done while camp sessions are in process. Others can.

Our Property Chair is responsible to manage camp property projects. We may have 2-3 ongoing projects at a time. We have three thoughts regarding volunteers.

  • Volunteers may help with basic upkeep as needed – i.e. mowing lawns, stacking firewood, etc.
  • Volunteers may help with current projects – these are prioritized by the Property Committee.
  • Volunteers may offer to begin another project on the condition that they finish what they start and that they do it to camp standard. What is done well is safer and saves on maintenance in future years.

For each of the above, please let us know by contacting the office. We will either provide the information or pass you on to our Property Chair.
Office: office@camp-sagitawa-847016.ingress-daribow.ewp.live or phone: (250) 788-2361

There are many opportunities. Here are just a few ideas of how to get involved.

  • Mow lawns / trim edges
  • Trim hedges / weed flower beds
  • Cut, stack, haul firewood
  • Service motors / other mechanical needs
  • Paint / stain / so many areas
  • Clean gutters / grounds
  • Rake leaves / beach / playground area
  • Do you have a special talent? / i.e. fiberglass and gelcoats
  • Do you have a special trade? / i.e. fixing propane furnaces
  • Fix doors / knobs / faucets
  • Deep clean cabins / dining hall / chapel
  • Help with Office or Kitchen duties
  • Attend a Work Bee
  • Building renovations / i.e. siding or shingling
  • Building construction projects
Off Season Volunteer

Our Camps – such as Jr High Youth Retreat and Spring Break Camps
We have a unique relationship with Member and local churches, in which the camp session becomes a joint venture and fulfills purposes of both groups. Youth Groups sponsors then help take up some of our staffing needs. An application is required for our off-season camp staff:

  • Cabin Leaders – to spend time with, and provide leadership and care for campers
  • Program Staff – lead activities, lead skills, help with chapels
  • Kitchen Help – food and dining room prep, dishes, serving

Rentals – post summer and year round
Some rentals require a lot more than we can provide with our full-time team. As such we can use volunteer help off and on throughout the year. No application necessary – Just give us a call. Volunteers needed for rentals:

  • Hosts, Kitchen Help – We would love to have a list of seniors or youth on which to call
  • Skill Instructors – To help for a couple hours usually on a Saturday, to teach an activity to a select group
  • Cleaning – Some groups and perhaps the new normal, requires us to give extra attention to cleaning halls and bathrooms
  • Call us to inquire if interested in being one of these volunteers from time to time.

Trade Shows
A trade show can be tiring for one or two to cover, but many hands taking smaller shifts can lighten that load. If you need training for any mobile wall activities, consider giving us a call in September or May so that we can provide it. No application necessary – Just give us a call. Volunteers needed for shows:

  • Booth Presence – engage with folk showing an interest
  • Help with Waiver forms – with our mobile wall, engage with parents signing their kids up to climb
  • Harness tying – with our mobile wall, about keeping kids safe
  • Belayers – with our mobile wall, must receive camp certification

For Off-Season Camps
Please understand that it is difficult to process applications on the day you plan to attend. We are trying to keep them short, but we still prefer at least a month of lead time.

If we have your summer application the process will be much shorter. See below..

The process is also being shortened for youth group sponsors.

How do I apply?
Please note that applications for off-season camps do not count as a Full Application for the summer. All summer applicants must file at least one Full Application their first year.

We are currently transitioning our website and online forms! To avoid your form being lost and us never receiving it, please reach out to office@camp-sagitawa-847016.ingress-daribow.ewp.live for an application.

Regarding Criminal Record Checks
Select one of the items below:

  • If you were on team last summer, we have your CRC on file. Inform us if there are changes.
  • If you are coming as a youth sponsor, please have your church office send us a copy.
  • Otherwise, please initiate the process to get a CRC and VSS immediately. A VSS is current for 5 years.
Job Descriptions

Applications are now being accepted for Summer 2024 Team!

Looking for more information about a following position? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Assistant Cook

Responsible to: Head Cook

General Responsibilities:

  • Assist the Head Cook in organizing meal preparation.
  • Assist the Head Cook in organizing proper clean up and food storage.
  • Ensure that Food Safe, HACCP and camp kitchen standards are followed.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Director with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Assist with meal preparation for Leadership Training Camp.
  • Take part in the Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Provide servant leadership in meal preparation, food storage and clean up.
  • Ensure all meals are prepared on time.
  • Work with the Head Cook in giving leadership to other kitchen staff.
  • Be prepared to take over for the head cook at least one day a week to provide for his / her time off.
  • When taking over for the head cook, report to the Food Services Manager directly.
  • Minimize the amount of waste as much as possible.
  • Assist in ensuring that kitchen personnel follow Food Safe and hygiene standards.
  • Assist in ensuring that the cooler, freezer, preparation areas and all equipment are kept clean.
  • Assist in ensuring that operation of kitchen equipment is done in a safe manner.
  • Assist in keeping non-kitchen staff out of the kitchen area.
  • Be sensitive to the needs of the camp program, and noise levels produced in the kitchen.
  • Contribute to a positive, loving and cooperative working atmosphere in the kitchen.

After Camp

  • Carry out a total clean-up of the kitchen: tidy and wash shelves, launder towels and aprons, clean sinks and counters, defrost and wash freezers, empty and wash the cooler, and clean stoves and ovens.
Cabin Leader

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Ensure that each individual has a wellbalanced camping experience emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially, building relationship with those under your care.
  • Ensure your campers are receiving adequate rest, food and individual care, and that they remain healthy and safe.
  • Provide opportunities for campers to develop in their relationship with God.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.
  • Depending on weekly program you may be caring for a group of campers a family group

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

During Camp Training:

  • Prepare teacher lesson plans from the Discovery material provided.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp.
  • Participate in skill training, learning how to run activities as well as how to interact with different types of groups.
  • Take part in (May ) June Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Your prime responsibility is to your campers. This means that you will live with and be available
    to them 24-7, putting their well-being before your own personal desires. You will care for them
    individually and as a cabin.
  • Provide leadership and expertise to your cabin group while being patient, loving and kind.
  • Keep your campers on schedule.
  • Teach skills, lead activities and supervise as assigned by the Program Director.
  • Lead daily cabin Bible Studies and devotions, participate in chapel services and attend and contribute to all staff meetings.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Make contact with parents during drop-off and pick-up, showing an honest interest in them and their camper.
  • Use your personal time to care for yourself so that you are more prepared to care for kids.
  • Assist in accomplishing other tasks as directed by the Program Director

After Summer

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related to your cabin group. (Some at the end of each week, some summer end)
  • Cabin leaders will contact parents for permission regarding any further contact of campers (visit, letter, email or phone).
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
Chapel Coordinator

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Give direction to the development of a chapel program that reinforces the theme of each
    camping day.
  • Model a Christ-like spirit in relationships and in attitudes towards campers, staff and camp
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

During Camp Training:

  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Give leadership in the formation of a core music team, motivating them to learn the songs well, and to teach them to the staff. 
  • Work with Program Director to create/ implement skits based on the summer theme
  • Construct well balanced teams to assist in the leadership of daily chapels.
  • Prepare any sessions for June as directed
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Ensure that chapels start on time, and that preparation be productive.
  • Allow groups a freedom to develop their gifts while giving guidance as necessary.
  • Encourage and maintain a high degree of integrity in our approach to chapel preparation and
  • Model humility and servanthood in your leadership approach.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director.

After Summer

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports. (Some at the end of each week, some summer end)
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
Craft Coordinator

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Monitor the craft working areas.
  • Train and oversee the Staff and Seed in supervising and assisting campers with crafts.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

During Camp Training:

  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Learn how to do each of the crafts.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Keep the Craft Shop clean and well organized. Build an atmosphere that attracts campers into
    the craft areas.
  • Open and operate the Craft Area as required.
  • Train and supervise helpers in all aspects of working with crafts and campers.
  • Model and encourage quality and professional customer service.
  • Assist the Tuck Coordinator in ensuring a good supply of craft products for each camp.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director.

After Summer

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports. 
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
First Aid Attendant / Nurse

(Advanced First Aid courses are only required for the advanced Attendant.)

Responsible to: Program Facilitator

General Responsibilities:

  • Prepare and operate the first aid room.
  • Take possession of and administer medications for campers and staff.
  • Keep records of all treatments and medication given, along with daily check paperwork.
  • Check all hygiene aspects of camp.
  • Personally prepare yourself spiritually, physically, mentally and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.

During Camp Training

  • Take care of basic first aid as required.
  • Clean, disinfect, and organize the first aid room. Become familiar with location of supplies.
  • Ensure that other first aid kits have been checked and updated.
  • Become fully acquainted with camp policy concerning first aid treatment and Covid policy.
  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Review health forms with campers / parents on registration day.
  • Ensure forms are completed properly and kept confidential. Also review Staff and Seed health forms.
  • Collect all medications from campers and staff and administer according to prescriptions.
  • Discuss needtoknow information with the following personnel: Food Services Manager, Head Cook, Camp Leader,Wellness Director,Program Director and Program Facilitator.
  • Provide care for the ill or injured.
  • Maintain an adequate supply of first aid supplies. Make needs known to Program Facilitator.
  • Watch for general cleanliness of campers and staff, addressing concerns to the Program Facilitator.
  • Prepare first aid kits for overnight trips and hikes. Ensure that trip leaders sign them out, and record incidents in the booklet. Attach the page to that camper’s health form.
  • Report and yield treatment of all major injuries to the advanced First Aid Attendant on site.
  • Report all major accidents to the Program Facilitator, and provide necessary written reports.
  • Maintain ongoing communication with the Program Facilitator & Director regarding sicknesses.
  • Keep a detailed record of all treatments given and fill out specific forms if necessary.
  • Be available to assist in any first aid emergency, at all locations of the camp.
  • Attend staff meetings.
  • Participate in the camp program when time, duties and desire permits.
  • Contribute to a positive working atmosphere in the camp.

After Summer

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations.
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
  • Ensure all paperwork has been filed correctly.
Head Cabin Leader

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Provide care for cabin leaders through assisting, encouraging, serving and mentoring.
  • The male head cabin leader will care for the male cabin leaders and a female for females.
  • Model a Christ-like spirit in relationships and in attitudes towards campers, staff and camp
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training:

  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Prepare summer morning devotionals
  • Prepare sessions for June Training as directed by Program Director
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp:

  • Encourage and give general direction to cabin leaders regarding scheduling and responsibilities,
    encouraging good communication with team and leadership.
  • Assist cabin leaders in their cabin responsibilities, helping them develop leadership skills.
  • Provide opportunities for cabin leaders to develop in their relationship with God through prayer
    support, regular contact, individual action plans and accountability.
  • Your prime responsibility is your cabin leaders. This means that you will be available to them 24-
    7, putting their well-being before your own personal desires.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director.
  • Complete evaluations with cabin leaders when their time at camp comes to an end

After Summer

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations.
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
  • Ensure all paperwork has been filed correctly.
Head Cook

Responsible to: Food Service Manager

General Responsibilities:

  • Prepare menus in consultation with the Food Services Manager and assist with food ordering.
  • Organize and implement meal preparation, food service, proper clean up and food storage.
  • Ensure that Food Safe, HACCP and camp kitchen standards are followed.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Food Service Manager with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.

Camp Training

  • Provide meals for Leadership Training Camp.
  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Provide servant leadership in meal preparation, food storage and clean up.
  • Ensure all meals are prepared on time.
  • Maintain regular and open communication with the Food Services Manager.
  • Minimize the amount of waste.
  • Ensure that kitchen personnel follow Food Safe and hygiene standards.
  • Ensure that the cooler, freezer, preparation areas and all equipment are kept clean.
  • Ensure that operation of kitchen equipment is done in a safe manner.
  • Give feedback to the Food Services Manager regarding rest needed by staff.
  • Be sensitive to the needs of the camp program.
  • Create and maintain a positive and supportive atmosphere in the kitchen

After Camp

  • Carry out a total clean-up of the kitchen: tidy and wash shelves, launder towels and aprons,
    clean sinks and counters, defrost and wash freezers, empty and wash the cooler, and clean
    stoves and ovens.
Head Lifeguard

NLS & minimum 16 years

Responsible to: Program Facilitator (indirectly Waterfront Director)

General Responsibilities:

  • Supervise and organize the swimming area and activities including the Jungle swing.
  • Assist in training staff in various aspects of waterfront safety and emergency procedures.
  • Ensure overall safety at all times.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with camp procedure in handling the waterfront area.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.
  • Prepare inservices with other guards and do onsite training to orient them to the lake.
  • Assist in teaching other staff how help with deep water rescues and other emergency situations.

During Camp

  • Take and record a safety check of the whole swim area prior to each swim.
  • Check and set out safety equipment prior to each swim.
  • Report needs for maintenance immediately.
  • Ensure all swim staff are present and ready before opening area.
  • Supervise and guard during swim times.
  • Give direction to other waterfront staff in swim supervision duties.
  • Take control of emergency situations, with overall safety of all campers and staff in mind, and defer to higherlevel First Aid Attendants as required.
  • In conjunction with the Waterfront and Program Directors, conduct an emergency drill at least once a week.
  • Attend staff meetings and learn medical needs of campers and staff.
  • Make sure beach area is clean and lost and found items collected.
  • Be punctual and flexible.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director/ Facilitator.

After Camp

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related required of you
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
Kitchen Help

Responsible to: Head Cook

General Responsibilities:

  • Assist in food preparation, cooking, cleaning, and dining hall set-up.
  • Follow the directives of the Head Cook, regarding all aspects of the kitchen.
  • Practice “Food Safe” procedures, and maintain good personal hygiene.
  • Personally prepare yourself spiritually, physically, mentally and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Director with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.


Camp Training

  • Assist with meal preparation.
  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Assist in meal preparation, serving and kitchen cleaning.
  • Become familiar with location and use of stock and equipment.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Head Cook.
  • Contribute to a positive working atmosphere in the kitchen.
  • Be punctual and flexible.

After Each Camp

  • Be available to assist with some cooking for staff / rentals on weekends, as applicable.

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Wash staff laundry as requested.
  • Wash kitchen towels regularly.
  • Wash clothing or bedding for campers only in emergency.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Provide a weekly laundry schedule for staff and Seed.
  • Make sure kitchen towels are washed according to “Food Safe” standards.
  • Contribute to a positive working atmosphere in the camp.
  • Be punctual and flexible, and willing to offer help in the office, kitchen, or program as time allows.

After Camp

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related required of you
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.

NLS & minimum 16 years

Responsible to: Head Lifeguard

General Responsibilities:

  • Assist with supervision of the swimming area and waterfront activities.
  • Ensure overall safety at all times.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp Director.
  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures (especially those on the waterfront.)

During Camp

  • Assist the Head Life Guard in swim area and equipment prechecks as required.
  • Supervise and guard during swim times, following camp procedures.
  • Assist the Head Life Guard in emergencies and drills as required.
  • Assist in making sure the beach area is clean and lost and found items are collected.
  • Be punctual and flexible.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director/ Facilitator.

After Camp

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related required of you
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
Maintenance Manager

Responsible to: Property Committee Chairman

General Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate, implement and super vise all aspects of the maintenance and facilities improvement program.
  • Become familiar with and operate according to our risk management policy.
  • Ensure all equipment, facilities and areas are safe.
  • Supervise any staff assigned to the maintenance program, whet her for long or short term.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read and complete any resources or paperwork received from Camp.

Camp Training

  • Take care of basic maintenance as required.
  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Maintain an accurate task list, adding jobs as needed, and dating those completed.
  • Communicate regularly with the Program Facilitator.
  • Refer all maintenance concerns to the Property Chairman.
  • Prioritize the task list with the Property Chairman.
  • Supervise others assisting in maintenance, and refer any problems to the Program Facilitator.
  • Complete and document regular safety checks of all areas, according to the camp standard.
  • Complete and document regular checks of the operation of water and sewage systems.
  • Complete regular checks of bathrooms to ensure cleanliness is being done properly.
  • Be responsible for the appearance and upkeep of the grounds.
  • Ensure regular disposal of all garbage around camp. (To avoid odors and wild animals)
  • Ensure that duties described on the monthly and long-range maintenance list are completed.
  • Ensure that operators of equipment and vehicles do so in a safe manner.
  • Ensure that vehicle operators are licensed to do so. (Including operation on camp property)
  • Return all equipment to its appropriate place after use.
  • Keep an adequate wood supply in RV sites.
  • Supervise RV sites regularly to ensure campfires are only made in designated spots.
  • Be sensitive to the needs of the camp program.
  • Participate in the camp program when time, duties and desire permits.
  • Contribute to a positive working atmosphere in the camp.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Facilitator.

After Camp

  • Organize the maintenance shop systematically.
  • To complete a “facilities check list,” highlighting the major areas of need.
  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related required of you
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
Maintenance Assistant

Responsible to: Maintenance Manager

General Responsibilities:

  • Assist with the regular maintenance and improvement of facilities as required.
  • Assist with regular safety checks of all equipment, facilities, and areas.
  • Become familiar with and operate according to our risk management policy.
  • Personally prepare yourself spiritually, physically, mentally and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Assist with basic maintenance as required.
  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Assist with disposal of all garbage around camp as required.
  • Assist with safety checks as required, and report needs to the Maintenance Manager.
  • Assist with duties as described on the monthly and long-range maintenance list, as required.
  • Operate equipment and vehicles in a safe manner.
  • Return all equipment to its appropriate place after use.
  • Assist with the appearance and upkeep of the grounds.
  • Assist with keeping an adequate wood supply in RV sites.
  • Supervise RV sites regularly to ensure campfires are only made in designated spots.
  • Assist with regular checks of bathrooms to ensure cleanliness is being done properly.
  • Assist with regular checks of the operation of water and sewage systems.
  • Be sensitive to the needs of the camp program.
  • Participate in the camp program when time, duties and desire permits.
  • Perform all related duties as designated by the Maintenance Manager.
  • Contribute to a positive working atmosphere in the camp.
  • Be punctual and flexible.

After Camp

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related required of you
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.

Responsible to: Program Director Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Prepare pictures for promotion and mementos (i.e. journals, web pages, display boards, and brochures.)
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Develop an understanding for the camp vision and purpose.
  • Work with the director in designing promotional materials with these goals in mind.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Take camp pictures. Edit and save them in the formats required.
  • Prepare and print camp journals on time for each week.
  • Keep large pictures for future promotional use.
  • Consider the needed promotion (including after summer) in taking photographs.
  • Prepare pics for the website, and upload them accordingly.
  • Encourage and maintain a high degree of integrity in the kinds of pictures taken, making sure that the content is positive, and that the message reflects the camp.
  • Take proper care of all equipment, ensuring that it is handled properly.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director.

After Each Camp

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related to your responsibilities.
  • Assist in the clean-up of camp
Prayer Soldier

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Pray for the staff, the campers and the camp ministry on an intentional dedicated basis.
  • Encourage private and corporate prayer with a positive attitude and a spirit of meekness.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Become familiar with the Pointers for being a Good Prayer Soldier.
  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Your prime responsibility is to privately bear the needs of people before God.
  • This means that you will have a high regard for privacy and trust in taking and sharing prayer requests.
  • Your value is that of a servant, entrusted with the cares of people.
  • No one at the camp will be “in charge” of prayer.
  • Set aside 3 hours per day to pray for staff and seed, and another 2 hours per day to pray for campers and camp ministry.
  • Maintain an open communication between yourself and leadership staff.
  • Encourage positive communication among others.
  • Be available to assist other leadership staff and the general camp program as assigned by the program director.
  • Attend chapels and contribute to all staff meetings.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Use your personal time to care for yourself so that you are more prepared to care for others.

After camp:

  • Complete any evaluations as required
  • Assist with camp clean-up
Program Assistant

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Assist in coordinating and supervising all areas of the Classic Track program.
  • Assist the Program Director in running a successful program for all campers.
  • Consult daily with other Track and Camp Directors.
  • Function as a member of the Leadership Team through prayer, and serving other staff.
  • Ensure that the Tracks program fulfills the Camp’s objectives and philosophy.
  • Create excitement for the camp program among campers and staff.
  • Model a Christlike spirit in relationships and in attitudes.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Program Director with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.

During Camp Training

  • Assist with and take part in May June Training, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Work with the Program Director & Program Facilitator to develop good relationships between staff members.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp.
  • Become completely familiar with the Discovery materials, and theme of the Camp.
  • Complete the requirements of Leadership Team Training, with a servant attitude.
  • Prepare designated sessions for June Staff Training.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.
  • Assist in preparation of camp facilities and grounds.
  • Assist Program Director with schedules and implementation of program during pre-summer rentals and programs. 

During Camp

  • Assist to prepare, coordinate, implement and facilitate the program schedule.
  • Supervise skills, assisting as necessary, and ensuring they run smoothly.
  • Ensure the program (games, meals, activities, skills) functions safely, following risk management policy.
  • Ensure that campers receive proper customer care. They are your primary responsibility.
  • Work with the Program Director to organize time off for program staff.
  • Assist Program Director / Facilitator in leading staff meetings and prayer times.
  • Encourage and support program staff and work closely with the Program Director to deal with problems swiftly and to develop potential of staff and the classic program.
  • Assist in accomplishing the behind the scenes jobs that allow camp to run (cleaning, paperwork, chopping vegetables, so on) as needed with a willing spirit.

After Each Camp

  • Be available during drop-off and pick-up and speak with parents as necessary.
  • Assist the Program Director / Facilitator with debriefing of each camp.
  • Ensure that program staff rest properly between camps so that we are prepared to serve.

After Summer

  • Fill out an evaluation of the summer’s classic program, noting shortages in equipment, and suggestions for improvements in activities, skills, staffing, training, etc, as well as a personal growth evaluation.
  • Assist in summer end cleanup, ensuring game and activity areas are neat and tidy.
  • Complete other paperwork / evaluations as required
Program / Facilities Staff

If you love variety and learning lots of new things, this is for you!

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Help ensure that each individual on site has a wellbalanced camping experience emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially, by stepping into areas all over camp.
  • Chopping vegetables, cleaning anything, learning skills and activities, running a section of our media programs, leading a hike, anything and everything could be yours.
  • Interact with the program with a servant and enthusiastic attitude.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.
  • Model a Christlike spirit in relationships and in attitudes.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.

During Camp Training:

  • Become completely familiar with the Discovery materials, and theme of the Camp.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp.
  • Participate in skill training, learning how to run activities as well as how to interact with different types of groups.
  • Take part in (May ) June Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Assist in preparation of camp facilities and grounds.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Help out all over camp as per the schedule given to you by the Program Director.
  • Teach skills, lead activities and supervise as assigned by the program director.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Use your personal time to care for yourself so that you are more prepared to care for kids.
  • Assist in accomplishing the behind the scenes jobs that allow camp to run (cleaning, paperwork, chopping vegetables, so on)as needed with a willing spirit.
  • Approaching new jobs with a willingness to learn.
  • Participate in daily camp meetings.
  • Keep eyes and heart open for discipleship opportunities with anyone you come in contact with.

After Summer

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related to your cabin group.
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.

Responsible to: Office Manager

General Responsibilities:

  • Assist with implementing all aspects of the office, and completing all tasks as assigned by the Office Manager.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director / Office Manager with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Assist as a receptionist and secretary, answering phones, typing, copying and filing.
  • Assist with parental contact before and after camp, showing an honest interest in them and their child.
  • Assist with registrations, making good contacts with parents and campers, collecting fees, and providing information as needed.
  • Assist with camp journals for each week as needed.
  • Clean office countertops, floors and door knobs daily.
  • Contribute to a positive working atmosphere in the office.
  • Complete other related duties as assigned by the Office Manager.
  • Be punctual.
  • Be flexible to assist with other parts of the camp program as schedule allows.

After Each Camp

  • Ensure that all forms are completed and filed at the end of each camp.
  • Help prepare the appropriate information and supplies for cabin leaders for the next camp.
  • Assist in clean-up of camp as able
  • Fill out any paperwork required of you before you leave site
SEED Leader

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Provide care for the Seed through assisting, encouraging, serving and mentoring.
  • The male Seed leader will care for the male Seeds and a female for females.
  • Lead and guide the Seed participants in each area of the program, ensuring a wellbalanced camp experience and an opportunity to deepen their commitment to Christ. Encourage them to be responsible, cooperative, creative and positive in attitudes. 
  • Model a Christlike spirit in social relationships, in attitudes towards campers, staff and camp responsibilities, and in whole manner of life.
  • To be seeking discipleship moments in everyday situations during the camp season.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

During Camp Training

  • Take part in May June Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Work with the Program Director / Program Facilitator to develop good relationships between SEED participants and the rest of the staff.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp. (Including familiarizing self with SEED curriculum, preparing with counterpart to teach. ) 
  • Become completely familiar with the Discovery materials, and theme of the Camp.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.
  • Complete the requirements of May Team Training, with a servant attitude.
  • Prepare designated sessions for June Staff Training.
  • Assist in preparation of camp facilities and grounds.

During Camp 

  • Encourage and lead the Seed participants in their daily responsibilities, encouraging good communication with team and leadership.
  • Prepare and lead interactive Bible studies and prayer meetings with the Seed.
  • Provide opportunities for Seed participants to develop in their relationship with God through prayer support, regular contact, individual action plans and accountability.
  • Administrate the Seed in their support to the camp program.
  • Your prime responsibility is your Seed participants. This means that you will be available to them 247, putting their wellbeing before your own personal desires.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Ensure that SEED participants receive sufficient rest and use their personal time in such a way as to be ready to minister more effectively each day.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director/ Facilitator.

After Camp

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related to your responsibilities.This includes a personal growth report, evaluations for each SEED, and an evaluation of the program.
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of property.
Track Directors (Performing Arts, Outdoor Challenge, or Waterfront)

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate and supervise all areas of the Performing Arts / Outdoor Challenge / Waterfront program.
  • Assist the Program Director in running a successful program for all campers.
  • Consult daily with other Track and Camp Directors.
  • Function as a member of the Leadership Team through prayer, and serving other staff.
  • Ensure that the Tracks program fulfills the Camp’s objectives and philosophy.
  • Create an enthusiasm for Tracks activities among campers and staff.
  • Model a Christlike spirit in relationships and in attitudes.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Program Director/ Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.

During Camp Training

  • Assist with and take part in May June Training, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Work with the Program Director & Program Facilitator to develop good relationships between staff members.
  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp.
  • Become completely familiar with the Discovery materials, and theme of the Camp.
  • Complete the requirements of Leadership Team Training, with a servant attitude.
  • Prepare designated sessions for June Staff Training.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.
  • Assist in preparation of camp facilities and grounds.

During Camp

  • Assist to prepare, coordinate, implement and facilitate the program schedule.
  • Supervise Track skills, assisting as necessary, and ensuring they run smoothly.
  • Ensure the Track (PA, OC, or WF) program functions safely, following risk management policy.
  • Ensure that campers receive proper customer care. They are your primary responsibility.
  • Work with the Program Director to organize time off for program staff.
  • Assist Program Director / Facilitator in leading staff meetings and prayer times.
  • Encourage and support program staff and work closely with the Program Director to deal with problems swiftly and to develop potential of staff and the PA / OC / WF program.
  • Assist in accomplishing the behind the scenes jobs that allow camp to run (cleaning, paperwork, chopping vegetables, so on) as needed with a willing spirit.

After Each Camp

  • Be available during drop-off and pick-up and speak with parents as necessary.
  • Assist the Program Director / Facilitator with debriefing of each camp.
  • Ensure that program staff rest properly between camps so that we are prepared to serve.

After Summer

  • Fill out an evaluation of the summer’s PA / OC / WF program, noting shortages in equipment, and suggestions for improvements in activities, skills, staffing, training, etc, as well as a personal growth evaluation.
  • Assist in summer end cleanup, ensuring PA / OC / WF areas are neat and tidy.
  • Complete other paperwork / evaluations as required

Responsible to: Program Director

General Responsibilities:

  • Prepare videos and clips for promotion and mementos (i.e. take home DVD of the week, quick clips of the day, web promos)
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Develop an understanding for the camp vision and purpose.
  • Work with the Program Director in designing promotional materials with these goals in mind.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Take camp video footage. Edit and save them in the formats required.
  • Prepare and burn camp videos on time for each week.
  • Prepare other promotional videos and quick clips as requested. Upload / assist with social media as directed.
  • Keep data for the year and file by camp and purpose.
  • Consider the needed promotion (including after summer) in taking footage.
  • Encourage and maintain a high degree of integrity in the kinds of pictures taken, making sure that the content is positive, and that the message reflects the camp.
  • Take proper care of all equipment, ensuring that it is handled properly.
  • Participate in the whole program with a positive attitude and a desire to learn.
  • Do other related duties as assigned by the Program Director.

After Each Camp

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations and reports related to your responsibilities.
  • Assist with camp wide clean up
Wellness Director

Responsible to: Program Facilitator   

General Responsibilities:

  • Help prepare individuals for camp, and camp for individuals.The focus is largely toward campers, but in some cases the same can be done for staff.
  • Facilitate and care for campers at risk by preparing wellness plans to help them succeed through their week of camp.
  • Model a Christlike spirit in social relationships, in attitudes towards campers, staff and camp responsibilities, and in whole manner of life.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects / paperwork received from the Camp.
  • Provide the Program Director / Program Facilitator with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.
  • Scrutinize the registration file and flag campers with special needs or concerns that show that they could be at risk.
  • Call the parents of each of these campers to build an information base by which to create of action plans as needed.

Camp Training

  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities, grounds and emergency procedures.

During Camp

  • Though the Wellness Director has a fairly wide area of interest when it comes to children or youth having difficulty with peers for various reasons, he/she will take a special interest in those who are often targeted by bullies, show symptoms of abuse, are selfharming, have high anxiety, depression, or show aggression to others.
  • Parents should be consulted in the development of plans. Plans can include any of the following (examples only): specific cabin mates, cabin leader placement, support worker placement, regular contact with parents and onsite staff, camper visits with the Wellness Director and followup.
  • Work through intervention and resolution as necessary.
  • Where campers work against each other, favour the success of both.
  • Provide support in all areas of camp to ensure a healthy and safe camp environment for participants and staff, physically, socially, and emotionally.
  • Record keeping and general health for campers and staff will be a constant concern for the Wellness Director.
  • Keep all information and records to the highest degree of confidentiality, and only share the information or plans with other staff on aneed to know basis.

After Summer

  • Complete and submit all required evaluations.
  • Assist in the summerend clean up of the property.
  • Ensure all paperwork has been filed correctly.
Outpost First Aid Attendant

Responsible to: Outpost Director


General Responsibilities:

  • Prepare and operate the first aid kit.
  • Take possession of and administer medications for campers and staff.
  • Keep records of all treatments and medication given.
  • Check all hygiene aspects of camp.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp Director.
  • Provide the Director with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles t hat may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training & Pre-Trip:

  • Take care of basic first aid as required.
  • Clean, disinfect, and organize t he first aid kit. Become familiar with location of supplies.
  • Become fully acquainted with camp policy concerning first aid treatment.
  • Take part in Leadership Training Camp, when possible, getting to know the staff.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Become familiar with route, schedule, terrain and emergency procedures.

During Trip

  • Review camper health forms with parents on registration day.  Ensure forms are completed properly, and kept confidential at all times.  Also review outpost staff health forms.
  • Collect all medications from campers and staff and administer according to prescriptions.
  • Discuss need-to-know information with Outpost staff, Food Services Manager and Camp Director.
  • Provide care for the ill or injured, always being available for any first aid emergency.
  • Maintain an adequate supply of first aid supplies.
  • Make needs known to Camp First Aid.
  • Ensure that all footwear is comfortable and adequate for the trip.
  • Watch for general cleanliness of campers, staff and hygiene of camp site.
  • Address concerns to the Outpost Leader.
  • Complete a daily tent inspection. Ensure that tents are dry, free of odours, and that clothing and footwear is being dried properly.
  • Use the satellite phone to report all major injuries to the Camp First Aid attendant and Camp Director as soon as possible.
  • Request any help or supplies needed from main camp during a major injury.
  • Take responsibility for providing a safe evacuation t he injured or sick when necessary.
  • Watch for and report ongoing or communicable sicknesses.
  • Keep a detailed record of all treatments given.
  • Attend staff meetings.
  • Participate in the camp program when time, duties and desire permits.
  • Contribute to a positive working atmosphere in t he camp.
  • Fill out specific forms as necessary.
Outpost Guide

Responsible to: Outpost Director


General Responsibilities:

  • Maintain safety in all aspects of the trip, with common sense and good judgment.
  • Communicate regularly with the trip leader regarding safety.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Provide the Director with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Pre-trip Preparation

  • Ensure that at least one member of the team has done a reconnaissance trip within the last 14 months, reporting the route and any observed hazards thoroughly.
  • Complete a Task Safety Analysis with the other team leaders.
  • Get to know the other trip leaders, and how your areas of responsibility work together.
  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Get to know your trip map and schedule of activities.
  • Ensure that all trip leaders are familiar with emergency / evacuation procedures, and operation of the satellite phone.
  • Write down necessary phone numbers.
  • Ensure that emergency food, clothing and supplies are packed.
  • Check on expected weather conditions for the duration of the trip.
  • Carry supplies to ward off wild animals (i.e. pepper spray, air horn, rifle).

During Trip

  • Ensure ongoing safety of route, taking any necessary alternatives.
  • Ensure that safety concerns, of staff and campers, are addressed in all aspects of the camp.
  • Encourage good attitude by example through the most difficult parts of the trip.
  • Supervise and assist in site set-up and maintenance as needed.
  • Ensure that participants receive adequate rest.
  • Follow emergency procedures in an emergency.
  • Keep good, open communication with campers and staff. Deal with conflicts appropriately.

After Trip

  • Assist with making sure camp equipment is clean, accounted for, and returned to proper its place, noting all items needing repair.
  • Submit a trip safety report to the Outpost Director.
Outpost Program Director

Responsible to: Outpost Director


General Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate and supervise all areas of the trip.
  • Ensure good ongoing communication between trip staff.
  • Ensure that the program fulfills the Camp’s objectives and philosophy.
  • Create an enthusiasm for all areas of program involvement amongst campers and staff.
  • Model a Christ-like spirit in relationships and in attitudes.
  • Personally prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

Specific Responsibilities:


  • Read the materials and complete all required projects received from the Camp.
  • Become completely familiar with the Discovery materials.
  • Become fully acquainted with facilities and outpost emergency procedures.
  • Assist in preparation of camp sites, routes, and reconnaissance trips.
  • Provide the Director with ‘need to know’ information regarding personal choices or struggles that may affect your level of care/competence – especially with regard to time spent with or around campers.

Camp Training

  • Participate as a team player, showing respect and care to other members.
  • Work with the Outpost Director to develop good relationships between staff members.
  • Get to know the other trip leaders, and how your areas of responsibility work together.

Trip Preparation

  • Ensure that all participants are familiar with staff positions.
  • Ensure adequacy of equipment, packs, and clothing; and remove excess weight from packs.
  • Ensure camper skills are sufficient or take time for instruction and practice.
  • Assist the Outpost Director in other responsibilities as requested.

During Trip

  • Prepare, coordinate, implement and facilitate the weekly schedule.
  • Supervise and assist in all aspects of the camp.
  • Ensure that campers receive proper customer care.  They are your primary responsibility.
  • Ensure program functions safely, following risk management policy.
  • Encourage and support other staff and work closely with the Outpost Director to deal with problems swiftly and to develop potential of staff and program.
  • Keep good, open communication with campers and staff. Deal with conflicts appropriately.

After Trip

  • Ensure completion of evaluations and trip reports; and submit all trip documents to the office.
  • Where possible be involved in camper follow-up.

Meet our Full Time Team

Bob Bahr
Bob is one of our co-directors here at camp (along with his wife Carmen). Bob specifically oversees our site and facilities, whether it be working with the board as new buildings are being built or working with staff and volunteers to upkeep the amazing property we have been blessed with. Bob also works with Carmen in overseeing the growth, development and general operations of camp through out the entire year. He also mentors the male summer staff who join our support team. 

Carmen Bahr
Carmen is one of our co-directors here at camp (along with her husband Bob). Carmen specifically looks over all things personnel / HR. From interviews, references, hiring, and coordinating volunteers for all over camp. She and Bob work together in the growth and development of camp, alongside overseeing the daily operations. Carmen also mentors the female summer staff who join our support team. 

We are blessed to have the Bahrs on our team, working as co-directors, allowing the Lord to use the gifts he has given them both for the work here at Camp Sagitawa



Tassie Perron
Tassie is gifted for directing programs and training the team, but it sure keeps her busy. She also oversees the skills onsite, does camps graphic design work, organizes our social media, and more! In the summer you will likely find her explaining a game, singing a silly song with campers, or belaying climbers at the wall… as long as she’s finished scheduling the team for the week. 

Volunteer for Projects


There are so many opportunities to volunteer, and so many who come and help us in one way or another. We appreciate all.

Some projects cannot be done while camp sessions are in process. Others can.Our Property Chair is responsible to manage camp property projects.

We may have 2-3 ongoing projects at a time. We have three thoughts regarding volunteers.

  • Volunteers may help with basic upkeep as needed – i.e. mowing lawns, stacking firewood, etc.
  • Volunteers may help with current projects – these are prioritized by the Property Committee.
  • Volunteers may offer to begin another project on the condition that they finish what they start and that they do it to camp standard. What is done well is safer and saves on maintenance in future years.

For each of the above, please let us know by contacting the office. We will either provide the information or pass you on to our Property Chair.

Office: sagitawa@xplornet.com or phone: (250) 788-2361

Camp Director: sagitawa.director@xplornet.com


There are many opportunities. Here are just a few ideas of how to get involved.

  • Mow lawns / trim edges
  • Trim hedges / weed flower beds
  • Cut, stack, haul firewood
  • Service motors / other mechanical needs
  • Paint / stain / so many areas
  • Clean gutters / grounds
  • Rake leaves / beach / playground area
  • Do you have a special talent? / i.e. fiberglass and gelcoats
  • Do you have a special trade? / i.e. fixing propane furnaces
  • Fix doors / knobs / faucets
  • Deep clean cabins / dining hall / chapel
  • Help with Office or Kitchen duties
  • Attend a Work Bee
  • Building renovations / i.e. siding or shingling
  • Building construction projects

SEED & Work Crew Programs

How do I apply?

Choose which staff application you are applying for