Outdoor recreation and relational mentoring to connect with each other and the Creator


At Sagitawa we are committed to caring for people and connecting them with Christ. Through relationships and programs that both challenge and encourage, we pursue personal growth and a deeper connection with our Creator.

Thank you for considering Camp Sagitawa this year!

Frequently Asked Questions

Camper Care and Life
Average day at Camp Sagitawa

At camp, there’s so much fun to be had that sometimes campers stay up later than usual to enjoy it all! For example, in Kids Camps, campers wake up at 7:30 AM and go to bed around 9:45 PM. So, after camp, they might be a little tired or off their normal schedule. But that’s just part of the camp fun—there’s always something exciting to do!

Here’s what a typical day at Kids Camp looks like:

Camp Schedule:

  • Wake up
  • Breakfast
  • Clean cabins
  • Skill 1 (learn something new!)
  • Discovery (in cabin groups)
  • Lunch
  • Camp Game/Activity
  • WACT (Waterfront, Activities, Crafts, Tuck)
  • Skill 2
  • Supper
  • Wide Game (big fun group game!)
  • Mug Up (a snack)
  • Chapel Fun
  • Get ready for bed (or maybe a night game!)
  • Lights out

Between activities, there’s also time for quick games, whether it’s in the Tawa ball pit, at the playground, or outside the main building!

Average day on Adventure Trips

Adventure Trip camps have a more relaxed schedule than at Moberly. Some days, you’ll pack up and move to a new spot, and other days, you’ll return to the same camp. The schedule can change depending on the camp, but here’s what a typical day might look like:

Adventure Trip Schedule:

  • Wake up
  • Breakfast and clean up around the campfire
  • Pack up if you’re going on a hike or canoe trip
  • Activity time: hiking, canoeing, or learning new skills
  • Break for lunch
  • Continue with activities
  • Discovery time
  • More activities
  • Set up camp if you’re on a hike or canoe trip
  • Supper and clean up around the campfire
  • Evening game
  • Campfire
  • Bedtime

Every day is full of new adventures and fun things to do!

Arrival & Pick Up Information

Arrival for our Kids & Youth camps is Sunday at 4:00 PM. We can’t accept campers before this time. Drop-off can take between 20-50 minutes, but you can help make it quicker and easier by making sure all camper payments are done ahead of time.

Each family will check in with a registration table, where any final payments will be taken, a pick up code will be given, and campers will be informed of which cabin they will be staying in. An individual from the Summer Team will be available to assist you in finding the cabin. 

Any campers with medication or vitamins for the week will need to stop in at the First Aid table and submit these items. The First Aid Attendant will ensure that the camper receives these items at the appropriate time each day. Some items, such as a epi-pens or diabetic devices are not needed to be handed in, however parents and campers should still stop by the First Aid table so that the Attendant can formally meet the camper and check with the parent about any extra information that is needed. 

Pick Up begins at either 12:30 or 5:00 PM* on the last day of your campers camp with a short program. Camp then holds a BBQ meal that we invite you to join us at! As you are leaving, you will be stopped at the gate by two Summer Team members. You need to provide the code given to you at the beginning of the week for the campers you are leaving with. After providing the code(s) for the camper(s) in your vehicle, they will be marked off as picked up and the Summer Team members will wave good-bye. We hope to see you again soon! 
If you need to pick your child up before 12:30 / 5:00 PM please inform the office as soon as possible. Early pick ups will need to head to the office upon arrival. Once the pick up code has been presented, a Summer Team Member will accompany you in the collection of your camper and their luggage.  

Family Camp Arrival: Please hold off arriving for your camp until the designated arrival time.
We frequently have another camp right before our family camps and as such are in the process of cleaning / preparing the camp right before your arrival. As well, to ensure the safety and integrity of our programs we are unable to accept on site individuals who are not a part of the program that is currently running. 
Thank you.

How do I know my Child will be cared for?
We take the responsibility of caring for your children very seriously. That’s why all our team members go through training and are supported by more experienced staff to ensure the best care for your child. 
We provided 24/7 supervision of campers, and are consistently doing checks throughout the day, with staff confirming to one of the directors / leadership staff, that all campers are accounted for. 


Each team member goes through training, though the amount of time needed depends on their role. Some training is done through online modules and remote learning, while other parts are done on-site. SEEDs go through a shorter training program.

Being part of the camp team is a big responsibility, and we expect a high level of commitment from our staff, volunteers, and SEEDs. Our training focuses on building strong relationships, which is the foundation for how we work with campers and cabin groups.

We desire success for each camper, and provide training in many areas including:

  • Caring for Camper Needs
  • Behaviour Management
  • Appropriate Discipline
  • Dealing with Homesickness
  • Anger Management
  • Dealing with Bullying
  • Risk Management
  • Communication Techniques
  • Challenge by Choice in skills
  • Free Choice in matters of Faith
How do you select cabin leaders and staff?


Applicants must follow the following selection process prior to becoming staff or volunteers at Camp Sagitawa.

Cabin Leaders must have graduated from grade 12 (or age equivalent). Leadership staff are generally 20 or older. Staff are required to relate well to children and youth and should show a desire to be involved in a self-giving ministry. They must demonstrate a high level of responsibility and integrity.

Required Steps within the Application Process:

  1. Submission of a completed Camp Sagitawa Application.
  2. Submission of at least 2 adult references (prefer 3).
  3. Personal interview with the applicant.
  4. Prayerful consideration of each application.
  5. Proof of having no prior criminal convictions or arrests with respect to children.
  6. Acceptance to our Leadership Training Camp.
  7. Successful completion of this training.


All applicants (Staff, Seed, Volunteer) are required to apply to the RCMP for a Criminal Record Clearance. We are most concerned about convictions or arrests that relate to child abuse. We recognize that these screens do not prove innocence or guilt, and entirely miss individuals who have not yet been arrested. For this reason we also rely on personal references for information in this area.

How does a criminal record check work?

Record searches return either of two results.

  • “No record exists!” – conclusive and requires no further search.
  • “A record may or may not exist!” – a record has been found for someone of a similar name and birth date. Proof of identity requires a comparison of fingerprints.

Matching prints would produce a copy of the criminal record. In the case of a young offender, the copy is mailed only to the individual. This applicant may choose to forward it to us. Sagitawa will not accept a staff member who would choose not to forward it. Our concern is that maximum care be provided, and that we give no opportunity for campers to be abused in any way.

Do Cabin Leaders stay in the cabin with campers?


At least one cabin leader stays in each cabin group with the campers. 

Cabin Leaders teach, lead, supervise and play with campers. Open activities are also under supervision. We prioritize strong supervision, meaning there should never be more than a 10-minute gap without staff oversight. Throughout the day, attendance is taken 9 or 10 times during meals, skills, chapel, discovery, and other activities. Campers may not always notice this, but if a camper is missing, the procedure is for staff to immediately inform one of the directors, who will then follow our established steps to quickly locate the missing camper.

Our goal is a maximum cabin leader to camper ratio of 1:8. Lower ratios occur on overnight out-trips, during daily activities and on Adventure Trips.

How do you handle discipline?


Managing behaviour is a positive approach to discipline with a preventative objective. The idea is to provide good activities and teach positive responses so that campers learn to avoid inappropriate behaviour. Example: learn how talk about what we feel rather than just strike back to get even. Staff are taught to recognize potential problem situations early and to help campers learn how to redirect.

On the first day, two activities work towards managing behaviour. The first is a clear understanding of camp expectations and behaviour. The second is a Team Development Activity ending in a cabin debriefing that models talking about how our interactions with cabinmates in the activity made us feel.



Our goal is to help campers modify their own behaviour. This means that we may we may need to alter our response to campers in similar situation. Note these examples of two campers who were trying to hurt another camper.

The one camper understood that his behaviour was not helping his situation. He apologized and wished he could erase what he had done. I explained the difference between forgiveness and trust. Since he wanted to earn that trust again, I gave forgiveness, and offered a practical assignment with measurable goals and accountability. I allowed this camper to complete his week of camp.

In the other situation the camper assured me that he would continue to be aggressive. Since He was unyielding, discipline was pointless. It also meant he was a constant danger to the other camper. I put him under 24 hr surveillance until the next morning when he was sent home.

Discipline may include discussions with the one wronged in the presence of appropriate camp staff. It may mean a call home or a trip home. It may involve appropriate apologies or compensations. Our first goals are to help campers succeed at camp and to provide safety for others. We believe that discipline is only effective if consistent in its goal, fair to the individual and understood.

How do I register for a Camp Program

Space is reserved by registering in advance, and a minimum deposit must accompany the registration form. Please choose from one of the options below.

We accept cheques, Visa, MC, EMT’s, and cash. Cheques must be mailed or hand delivered. Credit card information may be phoned or mailed. Do not mail cash. 

You may pay the minimum deposit or the full amount up-front. A deposit is required to finish the registration process. Without the deposit, your campers spot is not guaranteed. 

Registration Form:
Camp Sagitawa uses an online portal called CampBrain to collect all registrations. Do not be alarmed when you are taken to a different website. The online form may be accessed HERE

When is the registration deadline?

We accept 96 campers per session at Moberly, and about 12-16 on Adventure Trips. Registering early can guarantee a reserved space.

Camp Sagitawa: While there is no register before date, it is wise to remember that some camps fill up by May 1st.

Adventure Trip Camps: Registration will be closed 5 days prior to each trip. This is necessary so that we can work out menus and packs.

Our office policy is to respond to each registration as it comes in. Acceptance is shown by receipt, and if a camp is full, we will phone immediately. If you are still concerned about a camp being full, please call.

Off-season camps do not usually fill up completely. But we encourage you not to delay too long as we need to have a general count on who is coming about 7 days prior to the camp start date. This helps us finalize staffing, set up cabins and purchase food.

Cancellation Policy

This policy may only be waived in extenuating circumstances.

  • Cancellation 2 weeks or more prior to the start of camp – 50% of the deposit and all other fees are returned.
  • Cancellation within 2 weeks of the camp – the whole deposit is kept.
  • Cancellation after first day of camp – deposit and the remainder of fees is kept.
  • An additional fee will be charged when transferring fees to other campers.
Camper Sponsorship

Our Sponsorship Program is designed to assist those who would otherwise be unable to attend, with payment of registration fees or a portion of them. To apply for sponsorship, please follow these steps.

  • Request a sponsorship form from the camp office.
  • Fill it out and return it to the camp office.
  • The form is kept confidential, and is processed case by case.
  • Once processed, the applicant will be notified of the amount of sponsorship available.

Sponsorships have helped many families and individuals to enjoy and benefit from attending weekend retreats, special programs and summer camps. This is made possible only through the generous gifts from individuals and groups who wish to make a difference in someone’s life.

What is the camp policy on
First Aid


Our requirement for FAA in main camp is different than that for Adventure Trips, because of the proximity of the camp to the Chetwynd Hospital. We are easily within 20 minutes travel time. Our main First Aid kit is basically at an OFA 3 level. All of our FA attendants have at least their basic FA training. Since the Attendant is required to be available at all times, should an incident occur that is beyond their level of training, they will call on a camp backup attendant who is in another position. That individual will take First Aid as their priority until the case is complete or forwarded to a higher level of care.

The Adventure Trip Attendant should have a minimum of 34 hours of FA training, and a current certification. Our preference is that the training includes a secure wrap and transport to medical aid.

All camp First Aid Attendants will study the appropriate section(s) of the following

  • BCCA Accreditation Standards
  • Sagitawa First Aid Policy
  • Appropriate Job Descriptions

All camp First Aid Attendants will be provided with an overview of the FA facility and FA equipment and with a list of the various levels of training and experience held by other on-site staff.


Camp Sagitawa will maintain 3 separate lockers for medications: Campers, Staff, and First Aid Supply. Medications in one locker may not be moved to another without the authorization of the Camp Director. Also meds in the Camper and Staff lockers may only be dispensed to the individual to whom they belong.


All camper medications and prescriptions (including vitamins, tums, and medicated drops, creams or ointments) are to be handed over to the First Aid Attendant on arrival. They must be in original labelled containers and may only be used for the person to whom they are prescribed. The attendant will secure the medications in the camper first aid locker and dispense them as required.

The exceptions are puffers and epi-pens that may be carried on the camper’s person for emergency purposes because response time is critical. In these situations the camper must be trained in the proper use, dose, and when to administer. They should also know not to give it to anyone else, and to inform the First Aid Attendant when it has been used.


All staff that are under 19 and adult staff living in cabins with minors must hand their medications over to First Aid as well. This includes prescriptions, vitamins, tums, medicated eye drops and medicated creams and ointments. They must be in original labelled containers and may only be used for the person to whom they are prescribed. The attendant will secure the medications in the staff first aid locker and dispense them as required.

The same exceptions that apply to campers also apply to staff. Note that staff who are 19 years and older, who are not living in cabins with minors, have the option to hand their meds over or to keep them locked away in their own residence where they are not accessible to minors.

Camp Supply

Every medication that is stocked in our First Aid room comes with inherent concerns. As a camp we are responsible for every decision made in First Aid, and a greater stock multiplies the risks. Attendants are fallible, and as much as we follow proper procedures and document every decision, we cannot mitigate against all risk. This is especially true when it comes to drugs that have greater long term impacts and which can react very differently to various individuals. Some campers come with mental health complications, or even heart conditions, for example, and are taking carefully monitored prescriptions. A single dose of something as harmless as a cold remedy could be a contraindication, and life threatening.

Therefore, our First Aid room only stocks the four commonly accepted medications for kids and youth: Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, and Gravol –or their generic equivalent.) Any other medication must be approved by parents prior to being administered.

Our First Aid room will also provide menthol throat lozenges and, for staff, Vitamin C.We will carry a current Epi-pen, but campers or staff with Epi-pen prescriptions should bring their own.

Other supply

Campers or staff may bring their own prescriptions and medications. We will dispense prescriptions according to the wishes of the physician. We will dispense over the counter medications according to the wishes of the parent (for staff and campers under 19) or according to the wishes of the individual (if 19 and over).


Each time medications are dispensed, the attendant must record the date, time and medication on a treatment record.When parents turn meds into the First Aid Attendant, they will have also provided a notice of regularity and times. So when a medication is given before lunch, for example, the Attendant can sign that medication off at the “before lunch” column for that day, thus fulfilling the requirement above.

When dispensing other medications, our attendant will consider the following:

  • Any medication not listed as acceptable on the camper form cannot be dispensed without a fully documented phone call to the parent. Documentation is on the treatment record and includes the call home, person called, time, date, purpose, and response.
  • Regarding the dispensing of medications in suspension (liquid form):
    • Our FAA will go by weight only(use of scale)when dispensing meds in liquid form to minors.
    • Dispensing of liquid form meds will be double-checked and documented (initialled)by a second staff.
    • Always shake liquid in suspension before dispensing.
    • Second staff is not necessary with meds brought by parent because we are following their instructions.


At the beginning of each week all campers are provided with information regarding the location of First Aid and how to find the Attendant. For the protection of the Attendant, campers going to first aid must do so under the supervision of a staff or SEED.

The Attendant must record the applicable information in a First Aid Record after every visit, regardless of how minor the concern. Patient Assessment Charts must be filled out for any case requiring further medical aid.


When we have an Advanced First Aid Attendant on site, the regular Attendant need only have a Basic Certificate. Both must be available at all times to offer medical assistance. However, an Advanced Attendant must be called to assist any time the situation calls for treatment above the scope of training of the regular attendant.

Further medical aid is required for cases such as trauma, broken bones, major bleeds, possible head or spinal injury, loss of consciousness, serious breathing problems, infections or any other disorder that is not responding to the regularly accepted practice of treatment. Clinic appointments, trips to the hospital emergency, or calls for an ambulance are to be handled through the discretion of the Advanced Attendant. Any time a camper is taken to a clinic or hospital for treatment, the parents/ guardians will be notified by the Camp as soon as it is possible. If a serious communicable disease or food poisoning occurs, the local Medical Health Officer will also be contacted.


  • Avoid contact with body fluids. Use gloves.
  • Disinfect counters and other surfaces with a 10% bleach solution. This will kill both the HIV and hepatitis B virus. Rinse with another disinfecting solution.
  • Wash mops and other cleaning equipment with a bleach solution as well. Toss gloves, bandages and other disposable items in a plastic bag which should be tied and incinerated.
  • Wash all clothing very well. Bodily fluids of all campers and staff should be treated as if they are positive for HIV.

General Policy

Sagitawa Christian Camps will not tolerate bullying amongst campers or staff. We believe in the inherent value of every individual and will provide an effective response toward all known bullying behaviours.


Bullying is a pattern of repeated aggressive behaviour, with negative intent, directed from one person to another where there is at least a perceived imbalance of power.


  • Training: It takes experience and understanding to resolve interpersonal camper issues. Staff members are well trained to recognize and handle different levels of bullying, and also when to pass information on to leadership staff. Two situations require this information to be passed on immediately: 1) when it is not resolved after the first attempt, or 2) where the level of bullying is sexual or physically harmful or threatening.  Campers and parents will be trained through our Code of Conduct, which shall be available to read prior to the beginning of the camp session, discussed during on-site first day orientation, and available in print in several strategic places around the camp.
  • Pre-planning: If you camper is prone to bullying or being bullied, this is important info for camp to know. We are able to better equip cabin leaders for the campers who may be in their cabin, if we know this information. When filling out your campers registration provide this information on the Wellness Questions section of the registration. A staff member from the camp team will make contact with any concerned parents and will develop a plan that may include any of the following: specific cabin placement, cabin leader placement, assistant staff placement, regular contact with parents and on-site staff, camper visits with the Head Cabin Leaders / Directors and follow-up.
  • Supervision: We will provide regular supervision to all activities and identified high risk areas. This does not mean that campers are watched every second of every minute. We will provide supervision through awareness and risk management. For example, campers expected to return to a skill from a quick washroom break do not normally need supervision. However, the likelihood of a concern increases after chapel when all the campers are going back and forth to bathrooms – supervision required. Supervision during daytime activities will be close to a 1:4 staff to camper ratio. Supervision during the night is at a 1:8 staff to camper ratio.


Camp Sagitawa will intervene in all known bullying situations, because we do not condone bullying. Avoiding the bully may be helpful, but it is not an adequate solution.

Resolution is possible only by working through the situation with everyone involved. We take bullying seriously and will investigate each situation as thoroughly as necessary.

Resolution can begin with the cabin leader and head cabin leader, but quickly moves to the Head Cabin Leader, the Camp Director and then to the parents as necessary. The wisdom of a parent may provide information and answers much more quickly.

First Responders are those staff involved in the initial intervention.

The staff member must:

  1. Intervene to stop the incident
  2. Calmly separate the parties involved
  3. Escort both campers to speak the second responder
  4. Complete the appropriate tracking sheet to be submitted to the second responder


Our response to bullying includes four main goals:

  1. Encourage communication
  2. Develop empathy
  3. Promote accountability
  4. Enhance pro-social behaviour

Second Responders are those involved in resolution.

The Head Cabin Leaders and Camp Director (or designate) are the second responders in all cases of bullying. They are responsible for following through on bullying reports and will:

  • Talk separately with the campers involved, and witnesses, to find out what happened
  • Ask open-ended questions to determine the nature of the behaviour (where/when/who/what)
  • Ask questions about how each person feels about what happened
  • Talk to cabin leaders or other staff who may have direct knowledge
  • Bring all involved together to discuss the situation as guided by the facilitator (2nd responder)
  • Support the camper who was bullied, and prepare a plan for staying safe
  • Intervene with and prepare strategies for the camper responsible for bullying
  • Identify strategies for the campers who witnessed the bullying
  • Complete the Bullying Incident Report
  • Contact parents as necessary

We will support the bullied camper by working with him/her, helping them to process what happened constructively, and providing more specific informed supervision.

Code of Conduct

For most children camp is crammed with positive experiences. Like you, we want that to be true for all campers. If we know that a child struggles with learning problems, shyness, bed wetting, or with loss, family change, or conflict with other children, it will help us be more understanding and supportive.

Children often “act out” their feelings. Therefore the more we know about your child, the better equipped we will be to provide positive experiences at camp. Information will be shared only with those who need to know. We know that you want the best experience for your youngster, and so do we.

Code of Conduct

Camp Sagitawa Policy on: Child Abuse

Camp Sagitawa is subject to Board policy and provincial legislation with regards to suspected cases of child abuse. Suspected cases and all disclosures must be reported to the Ministry for Children and Families.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is written in accordance with the Canadian Privacy laws, to protect the personal information of registrants, members, staff, and supporters of Camp Sagitawa or any of our programs. This policy governs all information collected in the past and in the present. It details the purposes for which information is collected and used, how it is stored, and with whom it is shared.


We have collected various types of personal information such as name, mailing address, email and other information through registrations, resumes, applications, evaluations, and other documents of direct correspondence with individuals. This information is collected, used and disclosed only for purposes of administration, camper care, program development, promotion and liability, as detailed in this policy. We may also have collected voluntary personal information of a more sensitive nature, such as:

  1. Opinions, normally through evaluation: These are kept only until we are able to address any concerns, and to collate and summarize them for the purpose of program development.
  2. Personal disclosures or incidents, which may relate to the individual’s spiritual, physical or emotional well-being: These are used strictly for personal care of the individual, and given only to those people who will have the best interest of that individual in mind.

We do not buy, sell, trade or solicit personal information from, or to, third parties, or Member Churches.


Individuals providing their personal information to Camp Sagitawa will now show agreement to our collection, use and storage of that information. This agreement is indicated either through signature or by submission of a computer-encrypted form.


Personal information is not accessible by other staff in general. Hard copy files are locked away from access, databases are not accessible through networking, and computers are password protected for proper access.


We will continue to have computer firewall software that will prevent on-line users from accessing personal information from our databases. Our web site does not give any personal information without permission. Photographs are also posted by permission of a previous registration form. Specified pictures will be removed upon request of the individual or guardian involved.


Anyone wishing to have a copy of our records, showing their personal information, shall be asked to submit the request in writing. Camp Sagitawa will comply with the request within 30 or 60 days as prescribed by law.


Personal information is collected, used and disclosed for the following purposes:

  1. Administration: Camp Sagitawa uses personal information such as contact information for purposes of accounting and receipting registrants and donors. Other administrative information is collected from registrants to place campers in cabin groups and to assess their ability in camp skills. Finally, resumes provide necessary information to help us with the staff selection process. We do not provide information to any third party. The cabin leader does receive camper contact and birthday information, but is under a strict directive to seek parental/ guardian permission prior to making contact with campers.
  2. Camper Care: Camp Sagitawa desires that each camper have the kind of experience that is both safe and rewarding so that they will want to return. In accomplishing this we collect personal information such as care card numbers, allergies, previous sicknesses, medications, and cabin mate preferences. We care for the camper accordingly. Skill information is assessed during the camp for the sake of on-going interest of the camper. Health information is also recorded during the camp for camper care and liability. Camp Sagitawa asks that registrants sign a waiver, giving Camp the right to take an injured camper to the hospital if necessary. Certain medical information may be deemed as important to the hospital medical staff, and a copy is then made to deliver that information with the patient for proper care. All of the information provided in this category is given only to those of our staff who we deem to have a “need-to-know” responsibility of care for that individual.
  3. Program Development: Camp Sagitawa collects information from evaluations for making modifications, additions, and deletions to our camping program. Once this information is summarized, and destroyed in its original form, it is no longer attached to particular individuals.
  4. Promotion: Camp Sagitawa wants to fulfill its objectives as a charitable society. This being the case, we desire to let the community know about our camping programs, staff needs, projects, fund-raisers and general camp news. Those wishing to be involved in any of these areas are contacted through mail or email. We work hard at keeping our promotion to the area that it first began. For example, an individual registering for one of our programs does not receive quarterly newsletters unless requested, and vice versa. Promotional information may be deleted when, to our knowledge, a file becomes inactive for two years, or upon request.
  5. Liability: Camp Sagitawa keeps certain program information and camper information for legal reasons. Older records are accessed less and less, until they are completely archived, and retrieved only in the case that law requires it. As a result, certain details of the archived information may become less accurate through time, such as contact details.

If at any time Camp Sagitawa should seek to use or disclose personal information for purposes not listed above, the Camp will make a request to the individual accordingly.

Smoking Policy

We generally discourage smoking at camp and wish to inspire others to take the opportunity to quit. However, we do understand that some adults and older teens that attend our programs are smokers,and that quitting can be very difficult. Our preference is to extend the invitation to attend camp to all, and therefore we have provided a way for that to occur. The following is our condition regarding how that would be done.



All buildings at Camp Sagitawa are smoke free. We also do not allow smoking on the camp property around trees or near the buildings.


We ask smokers to honour the laws of the Province of BC. This means that we want non-smokers to be honoured in their desire for clean air.


We ask that cigarette butts be distinguished and deposited in the proper waste containers.


Older Teens:

Teens must also follow these conditions.

  1. The parent/guardian smoking permission slip below must be signed.The camp office will verify this permission slip by phone, so that we can understand the intent of the parent/guardian.
  2. The program will provide four supervised 10-minute smoking sessions per day, off camp property, on the road.
  3. Campers may not go to the store to purchase cigarettes during the week. Nor will any of our staff supply any cigarettes for campers.
  4. Our goal is to provide a recreational program for campers. Smoking will not be the focus. We will therefore not tolerate efforts to provide cigarettes to those without permission slips, or efforts to smoke at times other than those provided. Campers wishing to test this policy will find themselves on the way home without a refund.

Older Teen Smoking Permission Slip

Information on Bible Teachings
Little Preamble
Define: Spiritual Decision

What do we mean by a Spiritual Decision?

What parents should know!

Spiritual decisions at Sagitawa are normally about a desire for personal forgiveness. Campers asking to attend a church or be baptized are encouraged to speak with their parents about it. While we passively support such decisions, it is not our intention to focus on this as a purpose.

Some campers come to recognize areas in their life where they feel guilty before God and begin to seek His forgiveness. No, they aren’t guilty of the kinds of things that many of us think of when we think about sin. But when they measure themselves against God’s perfect standard, they may feel convicted about a lie told to a parent, or a fight with a sibling. At whatever level a child disobeys is the level at which they can receive forgiveness from God!

When a child understands that Jesus took his/her judgment in order to offer complete forgiveness, he/she may want to pray for forgiveness. It’s a simple thing between them and God. Yet it also means that he/she is trusting in Jesus’ forgiveness – and this is their faith. As this faith matures, we would hope that the child will make other decisions – such as obedience to God in how they treat parents or friends.

Please contact us about any concerns you may have about this balance.

Teaching Faith in Balance

Teaching about Christian faith

What parents should know!


Camp Sagitawa is interdenominational. We value this for several reasons, one being the ability to teach areas of agreement between the Christian churches. In doing so, we want to retain an honest approach in our interpretation.


Please consider that it would not be an honest approach to teach only that “God is love and that everything is okay.” It is only half of the truth! The other half is about us and the fact that we often reject God. Rejecting God has its consequences. Yet we all have a tendency to want to sugar coat it by thinking:

  • that God won’t really judge us, or
  • that He will see that we do more good than bad, or
  • that I am not as bad as someone else.

There is a balance! God is love, and He is also just. He warns us against sin. Yet He also provides forgiveness through the work of His own Son on the cross. If there was no judgment, there would be no need for forgiveness. Both need to be taught to create proper balance.


Our policy at Sagitawa is to teach this balance without over-dramatizing the judgment of God, while at the same time understanding that He alone has the right to judge and the right to forgive.


Please contact us about any concerns you may have about this balance.

Honoring Free Choice

Honouring Free Choice

What parents should know!


As a Christian camp one of our goals is to explain what the Bible teaches and how to apply it to life. At no point do we attempt to manipulate or pressure anyone to make a decision. We teach our staff to share information and we allow individuals to make the decisions they wish to make.


A spiritual decision is personal. It is between the individual and God. The individual may choose to share it with others, but as such it is a private choice. Although sharing clarifies and strengthens an individual’s faith, those who are young and excited about their faith, often make the mistake of thinking that sharing faith is equivalent to changing others. While sharing my faith may cause another person to think about their own, it should not be my goal to impose my beliefs on them. Yet if a person believes they have found something, they will want to share it with those they care about. The difference is a fine line.


Spiritual decisions are most often made in our youth; the older we get, the more likely we are to be caught up in daily routines, and cares of the world. However, those who have faith in God do often have it grow as they mature. Yet spiritual decisions need to be informed ones. There is no point telling someone that they can make their own decision when they become adults – while withholding age-appropriate instruction and answers to questions. Wise are the parents who see this and provide opportunities for their children to learn about Christianity while they are young.


Spiritual commitments need to be decided by free choice and based on knowledge. Otherwise it can be counter-productive to the individual’s faith. For example, a person who prays out of ritual or peer pressure, who is not really choosing change may just confuse him/herself. God hears the heart not the words.


As a camp it is our policy to avoid creating situations where campers feel forced to make a decision. We teach our staff to guard against the following situations:

  1. Children often want to please their cabin leaders, so do not lead them to believe that you want them to make a spiritual decision. (But let them know you are open to answer questions, help them or pray with them).
  2. Peer pressure can be a powerful motivation for someone to make a spiritual decision that they aren’t ready to make. Try to redirect situations where campers ask for spiritual help in the presence of other campers.
  3. Avoid building fear or over dramatizing what the Bible has to say. Let God’s word speak for itself.

If you have questions or further concerns please contact the Camp Office.

Can Parents Help?

There are times when a parent asks if it is possible to help at camp during the week that they drop off one or more of their children. Reasons may be varied, but the good news is that we do accept applications for volunteer support staff when we are able. We ask that you assist your child in their success by keeping distractions to a minimum, and allowing cabin leaders and program staff to do their jobs.

Support positions may include kitchen, crafts or maintenance help. Please contact the office about this at the time you register.

All about Homesickness

Homesickness is a feeling of distress caused separation from family and parents. While mild cases are characterized by a longing for home, severe homesickness often includes an inability to focus on anything else. Homesickness can occur to anyone, but it is more acute for children when they are apart from family.


  1. Let your children be involved in the decision to go to camp.
  2. Educate your children about the normalcy of missing home.
  3. Do not tell your children that you will miss them terribly. If they think you cannot cope, then neither will they.
  4. Do not plan for failure by telling your children that if they cannot make it at camp, that you will come get them.
  5. Do not express any anxieties about camp in front of your children. Share positive research with your children!
  6. Encourage your children to make new friends and to seek the support of trusted adults.
  7. Consider attending as a volunteer staff the first year, or attend as a family at our Family Retreat.
  8. Provide shorter practice times away from home. Give positive feedback.
  9. Encourage letter writing as a means of communication. It is tougher on the phone.
  10. If encouraging phone calls, provide a pre-paid calling card and a request to call after supper, not before bed.
  11. Use a calendar to cross out the days, and provide perspective as to how a week is compared to a year.
  12. Provide other coping instructions. (good ideas here)

Treatment – Coping Strategies for Children

  1. Have fun playing with friends to distract yourself from the feelings.
  2. Write a letter or look at a family picture to maintain connections with home.
  3. Talk with someone who knows how to help you feel better.
  4. Think about all the good things that you would miss if you went home.
  5. Remember that your time away is actually pretty short compared to the time you are at home.
  6. Try to forget about homesickness.
  7. What might your family say to help if they were here.
    (notes from http://pediatrics.aappublications.org. See site for longer list)

See our Contact Us page for a map to our location, click HERE to go directly to our Google Maps listing.

Meet our Full Time Team

Bob Bahr
Bob is one of our co-directors here at camp (along with his wife Carmen). Bob specifically oversees our site and facilities, whether it be working with the board as new buildings are being built or working with staff and volunteers to upkeep the amazing property we have been blessed with. Bob also works with Carmen in overseeing the growth, development and general operations of camp through out the entire year. He also mentors the male summer staff who join our support team. 

Carmen Bahr
Carmen is one of our co-directors here at camp (along with her husband Bob). Carmen specifically looks over all things personnel / HR. From interviews, references, hiring, and coordinating volunteers for all over camp. She and Bob work together in the growth and development of camp, alongside overseeing the daily operations. Carmen also mentors the female summer staff who join our support team. 

We are blessed to have the Bahrs on our team, working as co-directors, allowing the Lord to use the gifts he has given them both for the work here at Camp Sagitawa



Tassie Perron
Tassie is gifted for directing programs and training the team, but it sure keeps her busy. She also oversees the skills onsite, does camps graphic design work, organizes our social media, and more! In the summer you will likely find her explaining a game, singing a silly song with campers, or belaying climbers at the wall… as long as she’s finished scheduling the team for the week. 

Volunteer for Projects


There are so many opportunities to volunteer, and so many who come and help us in one way or another. We appreciate all.

Some projects cannot be done while camp sessions are in process. Others can.Our Property Chair is responsible to manage camp property projects.

We may have 2-3 ongoing projects at a time. We have three thoughts regarding volunteers.

  • Volunteers may help with basic upkeep as needed – i.e. mowing lawns, stacking firewood, etc.
  • Volunteers may help with current projects – these are prioritized by the Property Committee.
  • Volunteers may offer to begin another project on the condition that they finish what they start and that they do it to camp standard. What is done well is safer and saves on maintenance in future years.

For each of the above, please let us know by contacting the office. We will either provide the information or pass you on to our Property Chair.

Office: sagitawa@xplornet.com or phone: (250) 788-2361

Camp Director: sagitawa.director@xplornet.com


There are many opportunities. Here are just a few ideas of how to get involved.

  • Mow lawns / trim edges
  • Trim hedges / weed flower beds
  • Cut, stack, haul firewood
  • Service motors / other mechanical needs
  • Paint / stain / so many areas
  • Clean gutters / grounds
  • Rake leaves / beach / playground area
  • Do you have a special talent? / i.e. fiberglass and gelcoats
  • Do you have a special trade? / i.e. fixing propane furnaces
  • Fix doors / knobs / faucets
  • Deep clean cabins / dining hall / chapel
  • Help with Office or Kitchen duties
  • Attend a Work Bee
  • Building renovations / i.e. siding or shingling
  • Building construction projects

SEED & Work Crew Programs

How do I apply?

Choose which staff application you are applying for