Outdoor recreation and relational mentoring to connect with each other and the Creator

Adventure Camps

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Outdoor recreation and relational mentoring to connect with each other and the Creator

Summer 2024 Adventure Trips

Experience camp in a new way!

Head out on an adventure that you’ll be sure to remember for years to come! 
Hiking, canoeing, fishing, rock climbing, geocaching, and more! 
Bring along a friend and discover the amazing wonders of the Peace Region back country!

Please note that all Adventure Trip participants sleep in tents, enjoy meals over the fire, and spend a majority of their time in the program engaging with the outdoors and all it has to offer. All this happens under the care and supervision of competent and skilled staff. Please pack accordingly. 

What is Adventure Trips?

Adventure Trips offers trips for those who want to experience a “more traditional” type of camping. Meals cooked over the fire, sleeping in tents and lean-to shelters, traveling to your campsite on your own two legs or in a canoe…. this and so much more is Adventure Trips! 
Depending on the trip you choose, you may stay overnight on our main site or out in the bush. Some trips have the same campsite every night while others set up camp each day. 

Each trip is led by a trained and qualified guide, along with other camp staff, and has had a reconnaissance trip done before hand to ensure a safe trip. 

Whether there will be a rock climbing specific trip in 2023 is still yet to be determined.
Some rock climbing may happen in our Adventure Weeks. 

Are you an avid fisher? Have you always wanted to enjoy a week exploring local fishing spots? 
Check out our When Fish Bite program this summer! 

Take on Little Zion and hike out to your campsite for the week! Or join an Adventure Week and take in shorter day hikes in the local area! (Maybe you’ll find a geocahe along the way!)

Join in on one of our canoe trips this summer… or take on both, making for an epic trip you’ll remember for ages to come! Grab a buddy and lets explore the beauty of the Peace & the Pine! 

(Postponed) Little Zion
June 31 - July 5, 2024
11 - 15
This is a Sagitawa Favourite! Stomp through the woods on our way to enjoy a week-long adventure camping above the hills of Moberly! Learn all about enjoying the wilderness!
Adventure Week 1
July 7 - 12, 2024
11 - 15
Enjoy a week of out-trips as we take in a bit of everything Sagitawa's Wilderness has to offer. We will hike, paddle, and climb our way out of main camp every day on our way to our next adventure!
(Postponed) River Expeditions!
Pine: July 19 - 22 Peace: July 22 - 25
13 - 18
Come on one of the trips or combine them into one epic trip! These are great trip for the novice and veteran paddlers!
Adventure Week 2
July 28 - Aug 2, 2024
11 - 15
Enjoy a week of out-trips as we take in a bit of everything Sagitawa's Wilderness has to offer. We will hike, paddle, and climb our way out of main camp every day on our way to our next adventure!
(Postponed) When Fish Bite
Aug 4 - 9, 2024
11 - 15
Up at dawn and awake after dark, let's find some fish ready to bite. Sign up for a multi-locational look at Peace region fishing. Perfect for the new angler and experienced alike. Let's go fishing!

*Due to staffing changes, we are postponing some of our Adventure Trips for 2024. Our hope is to run them again soon, but with will be dependent on finding competent summer staff and volunteers. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Average Day on Adventure Trips

Adventure Trip camp schedules are more relaxed than those at Moberly. Some camps have to pack up and move to another site each day, while others will return to their base camp each day. Schedules therefore vary from camp to camp. An average day will include:

-Rise and Shine
-Breakfast and clean up around the campfire
-Break camp if on hike or canoe camp
-General activity: hiking / canoeing / fishing / skills
Break for Lunch
-Continue with activities
-Break for Discovery
-Continue with activities
-Set up camp if on hike or canoe camp
-Supper and clean up around the campfire
-Evening game
Registration Deadline

Knowing as far in advance as possible if you will be attending a camp is always the best, as it allows us to properly prepare for the camp, however registration will be closed 3 days prior to each camp. This allows us to make time to prepare packs, food, and staff. 

In some cases we may have to cancel a camp should there not be enough registrants, so make sure to bring along a friend to experience the adventure with you! 

Can Parents Come on Trips?

In past years we have had parents join their youth on the trip as participants, but also as leaders!

Some paperwork may need to be filled out if you would like to join the trip, but don’t hesitate to reach out to the office for more info and to register to join. 

Does my camper need to have any special skills to come?

Nope! Just an excitement for adventure and a positive attitude! 

Our staff will be there to teach the basic skills camper need to know before the trip starts and will work with campers along the trip to help build on those skills. However if your camper didn’t enjoy out-trips on the Moberly Lake site, this may not be the program for them as every night is an out-trip.  

Where do the campers sleep?

Depending on the program the sleeping location (in tents) of the camp is different. 

For Adventure Weeks & When Fish Bite campers sleep at the Moberly Lake site. During the River Expedition and Little Zion, campers sleep out in the bush, working together to make their campsite.  

Meet our Full Time Team

Bob Bahr
Bob is one of our co-directors here at camp (along with his wife Carmen). Bob specifically oversees our site and facilities, whether it be working with the board as new buildings are being built or working with staff and volunteers to upkeep the amazing property we have been blessed with. Bob also works with Carmen in overseeing the growth, development and general operations of camp through out the entire year. He also mentors the male summer staff who join our support team. 

Carmen Bahr
Carmen is one of our co-directors here at camp (along with her husband Bob). Carmen specifically looks over all things personnel / HR. From interviews, references, hiring, and coordinating volunteers for all over camp. She and Bob work together in the growth and development of camp, alongside overseeing the daily operations. Carmen also mentors the female summer staff who join our support team. 

We are blessed to have the Bahrs on our team, working as co-directors, allowing the Lord to use the gifts he has given them both for the work here at Camp Sagitawa



Tassie Perron
Tassie is gifted for directing programs and training the team, but it sure keeps her busy. She also oversees the skills onsite, does camps graphic design work, organizes our social media, and more! In the summer you will likely find her explaining a game, singing a silly song with campers, or belaying climbers at the wall… as long as she’s finished scheduling the team for the week. 

Volunteer for Projects


There are so many opportunities to volunteer, and so many who come and help us in one way or another. We appreciate all.

Some projects cannot be done while camp sessions are in process. Others can.Our Property Chair is responsible to manage camp property projects.

We may have 2-3 ongoing projects at a time. We have three thoughts regarding volunteers.

  • Volunteers may help with basic upkeep as needed – i.e. mowing lawns, stacking firewood, etc.
  • Volunteers may help with current projects – these are prioritized by the Property Committee.
  • Volunteers may offer to begin another project on the condition that they finish what they start and that they do it to camp standard. What is done well is safer and saves on maintenance in future years.

For each of the above, please let us know by contacting the office. We will either provide the information or pass you on to our Property Chair.

Office: sagitawa@xplornet.com or phone: (250) 788-2361

Camp Director: sagitawa.director@xplornet.com


There are many opportunities. Here are just a few ideas of how to get involved.

  • Mow lawns / trim edges
  • Trim hedges / weed flower beds
  • Cut, stack, haul firewood
  • Service motors / other mechanical needs
  • Paint / stain / so many areas
  • Clean gutters / grounds
  • Rake leaves / beach / playground area
  • Do you have a special talent? / i.e. fiberglass and gelcoats
  • Do you have a special trade? / i.e. fixing propane furnaces
  • Fix doors / knobs / faucets
  • Deep clean cabins / dining hall / chapel
  • Help with Office or Kitchen duties
  • Attend a Work Bee
  • Building renovations / i.e. siding or shingling
  • Building construction projects

SEED & Work Crew Programs

How do I apply?

Choose which staff application you are applying for